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Days of week

The chart shows the relative activity of an average post that have been published on a particular day of the week. This chart doesn’t display the count of published posts by days of the week. In reality, it shows the average activity of posts that were published on different days of the week, comparing to the post made on other days. Data is given in percent (%) using information for the whole analyzed period.

To calculate the relative activity by the days of the week, the tool takes into all posts published on a particular day of the week, sums up all the activities for each day, then calculates the average count of engagement on these days and calculates their relative percentage.

For example If Mondays index is 15%, and for Wednesday it is 10%, an average post appearing on Monday was 1.5 times more popular than one published on Wednesday.

This index can be used for planning the best day for publishing of your posts / advertisements.

Time of day

The chart shows the relative activity of the average post published in a particular moment. This chart doesn’t display the number of published posts by time, but shows instead the average activity of posts that are issued at different hours of the day, comparing to posts that were released at another time.

Data is calculated in percent (%) based on all information for the analyzed period.

To calculate the relative activity by time of day, the tool takes into all posts that have been published at particular time, sums up all the activities for each hour, calculates the average number of engagements at that time and calculates their relative percent.

For example If the index is 3,5% at 4 pm, and it is 7% at 9 pm, an average posts at 9 pm is more than 2 times more popular than one published at 4 pm.

This index can be used for planning the best time for publishing of your posts / advertisements.

ERpost by days of week/Text length

The behavior of the audience at different hours of the day and the days of the week differs: for example, a student on weekdays can be busy studying and will not be able to read a long text, but he may be interested in short posts, and on weekends an opposite situation may be observed.

This chart displays the average ERpost for posts that have been published with text of a particular length on different days of the week.

To calculate such data, Popsters categorizes all posts into three types: posts with short text (up to 160 symbols), posts with medium-size texts (from 160 to 1000 symbols), posts with long text (from 1000 symbols). Next, the tool calculates the average ERpost of all posts published on a given day of the week.

Each values ​​column can consist of three segments, corresponding to three types of text length.

The chart will help to determine what format of publication on average has gained the most activity in these days of the week.

ERpost by time of day/Text length

This chart displays the average ERpost for posts that have been published with a text of a particular length at different times of the day.

To calculate such data, Popsters categorized all posts into three types: posts with short text (up to 160 symbols), posts with medium-size texts (from 160 to 1000 symbols), posts with long text (from 1000 symbols). Next, the tool calculates the average ERpost of all posts published on a given day of the week.

Each values ​​column can consist of three segments, corresponding to three types of text length.

The chart will help to determine what format of the posts on average was the most popular at different times of the day.

Relative activity by days of week/Text length

The chart is similar to ‘Days of week / volume of text’, but percentage to other formats on other days of the week is used instead of ERpost stats.

It will be useful in cases when ERpost differs for multiple communities when comparing several pages. It is also applicable when searching and analyzing hashtags from social networks (search for all the hashtags in the networks of interest).

Relative activity by time of day/Time length

The chart is similar to ‘Times of week / volume of text’, but percentage to other formats on other days of the week is used instead of ERpost values.

It will be useful in cases when ERpost differs for multiple communities when comparing several pages. It is also applicable when searching and analyzing hashtags from social media’s (search for all the hashtags in the social media of interest).


The chart displays the total count of ‘likes’ for all posts publushed on each day in the analyzed period.

The chart can be scaled, it can also be filtered by any value (by clicking on a point on any day): in this case, only the posts for that day will remain in the feed.

When counting ‘likes’, all reactions of the audience in the social network Facebook are considered.

It is useful when the total ‘like’ statistics for a community must be evaluated.


The chart displays the total count of ‘shares’ for all posts published on each day in the analyzed period.

The chart can be scaled, it can also be filtered by any value (by clicking on a point on any date), in this case, only the posts for that day will remain in the feed.

This chart appears only for those social media’s where it is possible to share a post in the user’s feed (not available, for example, for Instagram and YouTube).

It is useful in cases when you want to evaluate the general statistics of the page for reposts in the analyzed period.


The chart displays the total count of comments for all posts published for each day in the analyzed period.

The chart can be scaled, it can also be filtered by any value (by clicking on a point on any date), in this case, only the posts for that day will remain in the feed.

Comments are counted only for those social media’s where commenting is possible (comments are disabled on Coub and unavailable for counting on Twitter).

It is useful when you need to measure the total statistics of comments in a page for the analyzed period.


The chart shows the total count of views for all video posts (and photos on Flickr) that appeared on each day in the analyzed period.

The chart can be scaled, it can also be filtered by any value (by clicking on a point on any date), in this case, only the posts for that day will remain in the feed.

Views are only given for those social media’s where they are counted: Coub, YouTube, VK and Flickr.

It is useful when you need to evaluate the total statistics of views in a community for a certain period.


The chart displays the total ER (ERday for each date) for all posts published on each day in the analyzed period.

The chart can be scaled, it can also be filtered by any value (by clicking on a point on any date), in this case, only the posts for that day will remain in the feed.

When counting ‘likes’, all reactions of the audience in the Facebook are considered.

It is useful when you need to evaluate the size of engagement audience for each date in analyzed period.


The chart shows the number of posts published on each date in the analyzed period.

The chart can be scaled, it can also be filtered by any value (by clicking on a point on any date), in this case, only the posts for that day will remain in the feed.

It is useful when you need to evaluate the count of posts in a page for a analyzed period.

Posts by text length

Displays the total number of posts with texts of a certain length that have been published in the analyzed period.

To calculate such data, Popsters categorizes all posts into three types: posts with short text (up to 160 symbols), posts with medium-size texts (from 160 to 1000 symbols), posts with long text (from 1000 symbols).

ERpost by text length

Demonstrates the average ER (engagement) in posts with text of a particular length in general.

To calculate such data, Popsters categorizes all posts into three types: posts with short text (up to 160 symbols), posts with medium-size texts (from 160 to 1000 symbols), posts with long text (from 1000 symbols). Next, the tool calculates ERpost for every post and gives the average ERpost for them.

It is useful to understand the most popular format of posts.

Posts by type of content

Displays the total number of posts with a particular type of content. Different types of attachments (photo and video, for example) in one post are considered here as different units.

It shows the total number of posts with videos, images, links or text.

It allows you to calculate count of published records for different types of content.

ERpost by type of content

It demonstrates the average ER (engagement) in posts with a particular type of content. It helps to understand the kind of posts that are more attractive for the audience.

Relative activity by type of content

The chart is similar to ‘ER by content type’ but the percentage of activity to other posts is shown instead of ERpost indexes.

It is useful if ERpost for multiple pages is radically different. It can also be used for searching and analyzing hashtags or searching all instances when a particular hashtag was used.


It demonstrates the count of posts with a particular hashtag for all analyzed posts.

It will help calculate the statistics of using certain hashtags in posts.


It shows the average ERpost of all posts with a particular hashtag.

It will help to evaluate the activity of posts in response to a particular hashtag. It is useful for calculating the efficient of the ad tags, chosen categories or competitive analysis.

Relative activity by hashtags

Shows the activity of an average publication with a particular hashtag in relation to posts with other hashtags.

It is useful if ERpost for multiple communities is radically different. It can also be used for searching and analyzing hashtags or searching all instances when a particular hashtag was used.

Words (text analyzing)

Shows the number of posts that use certain words.

The tool looks through the text of each publication and counts the most commonly used words.

It will help you to learn the vocabulary used, its frequency, and it also determines the topics used in the content if hashtag are not used to tag the posts.

Words/ER (text analyzing)

Shows the average ERpost of posts containing a particular word.

The tool calculates the average efficiency (by ERpost) of posts where a particular word was used.

It help assess the impact of using different topics on the popularity of posts