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Profiles and authorization

Authorization is done by using a social media profile. To authorize, just press the round button with the logo of the needed network, and then the authorization window will pop up, where you can authorize permission for the tool. After that, the window will automatically close and authorization will be finished. The green circle at the corresponding social media button indicates your authorization status.

If the tool has been previously issued permission, authorization will be complete instantly without any confirmation.

Chrome-based browsers can block the pop-up window during authentication via Twitter: in this case, pop-ups for the Popsters tool must be allowed and the sequence must be repeated (this is done by clicking on the button with red cross icon in the browser’s address bar.

To logout from the tool, you need to hover the pointer over the button of the social network, which is above the address bar. A pop-up form will appear, with two buttons: ‘information’ and ‘logout’. The “logout” button will reset your authorization in the tool.

If you want to log in to the tool as a new user, but upon clicking the button, you authorize as the old one, you must logout first. After that, you should log in to the right social media profile first, and then authorize in the tool. By default, social networks offer you to use an profile, that you have already used, to work on other sites and tools. This may happen when the social network employs an already used account for working on third-party sites and services.

You can see the information about your plan by clicking on the ‘information’ button that appears when you hover over the social network button above the search bar.

In the information panel, you can find the name of the profile, the current plan, the validity period, the number of analyzes carried out and the count of posts in the Favourites.


There are three paid full-scale plans and one trial plan, the latter one has some restrictions.

The full-scale plans differ not in functionally, but in the period for which the license is eligible. The Month plan provides access for 30 calendar days. The Quarter plan provides access for 90 days and a discount, which is indicated in the Pricing section.The Special plan is technical as it allows you to manually select and specify any operational period of up to 24 months. With an increase in the number of months paid for, the percentage of the discount is also increased.

Access to the full plans is linked to the social meida profiles that has been ticked. The amount to pay changes depending on the number of added social media’s. The full access for analyzing is provided only for those social networks that have been paid for.

In the same manner, the trial is valid for each profile separately. Therefore, when authorizing and working in several social networks, there are individual limitations for every social network. Manual activation of the trial plan is not required, it occurs automatically when you try to make the first analysis. For example, the user is not given full access if they authorize on Instagram and Facebook for the first time. After the first attempt to analyze something on Instagram, trial plan for this profile is activated, but the Facebook account will remain inactive. If the aforementioned has been done, and you attempted to load data on Facebook (or both networks), the second account will be activated. Calculation of the number of loads (limited trial plan) will be conducted separately, depending on the network subject to analysis.

There is a ‘Choose account’ block In each plan. It displays all the profiles you have activated for the tool. In order to purchase full access to a certain network (or a few of them), you need to tick the necessary account (or the necessary ones if you want to connect full access to different networks) and then proceed to payment. If the required account is not listed, you need to log in to the necessary network on the main page of the tool, then return to the ‘Pricing’ section.

Full access to the tool is not limited in terms of the number of possible analyzes, the number of records stored in the ‘Favorites’ and the number of exported reports.

Full access allows you to analyze any public page on social media’s as well as closed groups (except for private pages on Instagram, where analysis is possible only if you use the tool through this account), if you are a member of such group.

Search and Analysis

After the authorization, the search bar in the center of the screen will become available. To analyze a page or hashtag, you need to find the desired page using the tool and select it for analysis.

Search works in three modes: search by URL (address) of social media page, search by name and search by hashtags.

By default, the search bar works in the URL search mode: to find a page for analysis, you need to insert a link to the page and click the ‘Search’ button. When using for link search, up to 10 communities can be added at once, under condition they are imported from a document / database. Importing multiple communities will work only if their addresses in the source document are split into different lines. I.e. separated by ‘line break’ signs.

To search by name, you must tick the ‘By name’ mode in the area below the search bar. After that, you need to type the text in and push the ‘Search’ button. As a result, a panel with a list of communities will appear. If you are authorized in several social networks, social network icons will appear above the search results, so you can switch between the search results of these networks. For example, you can add a community from Instagram for analysis, then switch the tab to Facebook and add a few pages from there. In this case, the analysis will be conducted by several social media’s at once.

Hashtag search is available only on some social networks: VK, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Coub, Google Plus and Flickr. Additionally, the search for some social media’s can be carried out not only by hashtags, but also by text. Full-function search is possible in all networks except Instagram (i.e. the search in Instagram works only by hashtags).

To search exclusively for hashtags, you must put a # before the keyword. In other cases, the full text will be searched for the word.

The ‘Analyze’ button starts the analysis of the selected pages / hashtags. By default, the analysis is done for the entire lifespan of the page. The calendar icon (next to the ‘Load’ button) allows you to select a specific period, so only the records for that time will be analyzed.

Loaded pages

After each analysis, a block for loaded communities appears at the right of the feed, it shows the common stats of the page for the analyzed period. The block reflects total for all main reactions: likes, shares, the count of comments, published posts, views (for YouTube, VK and Coub) and an average ERpost and ERday for all loaded posts.

There are three function buttons next to each page in the block: “Clear” - deletes all analyzed data on this page and clears the memory, “Show/Hide” – shows/ hides the community in the feed and graphs, export – exports all loaded posts on this page to an Excel file (.xls).

With each new analysis performed, the previously loaded communities are automatically hidden from the feed and their totals are reset (since they only display data for posts that are in the feed). When you click the ‘Show’ button for the previously loaded page, all posts appear again in the feed and on the graphs and total metrics are displayed.


The tool can be used to filter posts in the feed by types with ability to sort or to add some other filters in the future

When any of the filters are enabled, the total values in the “Loaded pages” block will be automatically recalculated based on the posts that remain in the feed.

Each filter is capable of working in three modes: enabled, disabled and excluded. Disabled filtering works by default and publications are not filtered. Enabled mode leaves only those posts with the content of interest (photo, link, video, etc.). In excluded mode, all posts remain except for the selected format.

Different filters can be combined with each other. For example, photos of interest can be filtered for, but text will be excluded. In this case, only posts consisting of images without text will remain in the feed.

Corporate profiles

Corporate profiles provide multiple users access to the tool. It is suitable for advertising agencies and companies that require work of several employees on same social networks at the same time.

Access is provided to a certain e-mail profile with ability to specify the number of social media’s needed for the work, the period of purchase, and the number of users for each social media. After payment, the plan is assigned to the e-mail address, and the owner is able to distribute paid access slots to the necessary profiles of employees in the corresponding social media’s.

To register an account, you must open the account management window must (the button appears at the right after authorization in the tool on any social media) and choose ‘Corporate profiles’ section. In the “Registration” tab you must type the e-mail and password. After that, a mail with a confirmation link will be delivered via email. Authorization will be available only after confirming the e-mail address.

Corporate plans are available in a special section of the ‘Pricing’ page. There is a link at the right (or bottom, depending on the width of the screen) of the main Pricing plans section. On the page, you can mark the needed social networks, specify the number of months and the number of users for each social media. Discounts are calculated in the same way as the personal plans, but with additional deductions: the discount increases when the access is acquired for a larger number of users and social media’s.

After obtaining accesses, data on the access slots acquired to each social network will appear in the corporate profile management page. The accounts that are attached to the corporate profile are displayed at the bottom of the window. Initially, this block is empty and the specified social media users must be added.

To add a profile of a social media user to a corporate account, the owner (manager) of the corporate profile must to give the email address and a special secure code to the employee. The code is given in the special window in the ‘Join a corporate account’ section.

You can tie the corresponding slot to the linked user profile by clicking the “Connect Plan” button. Having done so, the user can use the tool without restrictions from the corresponding profile. The owner of a corporate account can either grant access to a profile, or disable this access and transfer it to another profile. Attention: you can transfer access rights from one profile to another within the same paid slot only once every 2 weeks.

If you have a user profile on a social network with paid access rights, the corporate slot will replace the active plan. Deleting the user from a corporate slot returns the user the previous plan. The duration of the corporate and basic plans is not combined. When returning to the basic plan, the expiration date is set according to the latest purchased plan.