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Using metrics

ER (engagement rate)

Engagement Rate is a metric that shows how much followers were engaged to the published posts. In other words, it displays the percentage of followers who have been active in publications.

The tool calculates six types of ER: ERpost is the user engagement rate for a particular post, ERday is the user engagement rate for all published posts per day, ERview is the engagement rate for a particular post in terms of the number of views (for VK, YouTube, Coub and Flickr). Average ERpost is the average of ERpost for all posts for the analyzed period. Average ERview is the average of the ERview for all posts, Average ERday is the average of ERday for all posts for analyzed period.

ER is calculated using the following formulas:

ERpost = (likes+shares+comments[+dislikes for YouTube])/count of followers

ERview = (likes+shares+comments[+dislikes for YouTube])/count of views

ERday= (total likes + total shares + total comments for the day[+total dislikes for YouTube])/count of followers

Average ERpost = (total likes for analyzed period + total shares for analyzed period + total comments for analyzed period[+total dislikes for analyzed period for YouTube])/count of followers/count of posts for analyzed period

Average ERview = (total ERview of all posts for analyzed period)/count of posts for analyzed period

Average ERday = (total likes for analyzed period + total shares for analyzed period + total comments for analyzed period[+total dislikes for analyzed period for YouTube])/count of followers/number of days in analyzed period

In general, ERpost allows you to measure the efficiency of posts and shows how interesting they are to your followers. ERday only shows engagement on a daily basis and it should be treated more like ‘effective reach’ stat as it displays the percentage of the audience engaged on a particular day. The tool shows ER in several different places. Average values for ERpost and ERday are given in the loaded pages block and in the comparison table. ERpost for a particular post is given in the information about this publication. Daily graphs show ERday for each period. There is also average ERpost for a particular type of post on stats for this type of post.

Calculating ERday, the days are counted based on of the first and last post in the period. This is done so the data reflect actual development: for example, if a community has been posting only in the last month of its 3-year existence, the data will be used only for this last month.

The ER indicators in the loaded pages block recalculate when any filtering is turned on, displaying the average ER only for those posts that remained in the feed.

LR (Love Rate)

Love Rate is a metric of attractiveness of posts. It is similar to ER, but it takes only the count of likes. It allows you to evaluate whether posts are attractive to the audience

LR is calculated by the formula:

LR = (total likes)/followers/count of posts for the analyzed period

The tool calculates LR for each analyzed page and is located in the summary table (the ‘Show table’ button under the loaded pages block )

TR (Talk Rate)

Talk Rate is the metric of sociability. It is a metric similar to ER, but it takes into only the count of comments. It will help assess how much the audience is involved in communication

TR is calculated by the formula:

TR = (total comments)/followers/count of posts for the analyzed period

The tool calculates TR for each analyzed page and is located in the summary table (the ‘Show table’ button under the loaded pages block ). Both the LR and TR indicators will help evaluate and measure some activity when planning the community’s strategy.

Total values

With each performed analysis, the tool automatically summarizes all the indicators:

The total count of likes, shares, comments, views and dislikes from all analyzed posts.

The data is displayed in the loaded pages block and in the comparison table

Chrome-based extension Popsters for Instagram analyzing

Extension adds new features for analyzing Instagram profiles. It allows to collect and analyze posts data for pages that are not business profiles or are private. Also, it helps to collect public data for business profiles with ads. To use you need just to install an extension to the Chrome-based browser and put the link of the needed page to the tool. Such analysis takes much more time, therefore the search and collecting data will take some time.

For analysis of business-profiles to get public data you need to decline Facebook-auth after basic Instagram authorization.

Chrome-based extension Popsters for TikTok analyzing

Extension adds new features for analyzing TikTok pages. Due TikTok has not published yet public API, analysis without extensions is unavailable.