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3 Ways to Analyze and Find Audience on Facebook

Ways to analyze and find audience on Facebook, analysis tips

Facebook has powerful tools to analyze your audience in detail and find a lookalike audience. Dealing with that audience will provide good conversion. We discuss three ways to find an audience on Facebook and tips for analysis that you might be not aware about.


Facebook Graph Search

The English (US) version of Facebook offers much more possibilities for searching and processing. Graph Search is a detailed search tool by Facebook.

If your set language is not English, go to Settings — Languages and select English (US).

Now, type in your query in the search box. Smart search only processes English but it can handle page titles in other languages.

Using Facebook Graph Search you can search for public pages, people, events, posts. Various parameters can be applied to search. It's pretty easy to find an audience on Facebook that you need. See the examples below:

People who like <Page title>

Searching for people who Like the page you specified. NB: Type in the title exactly as it’s written on the page.

Add other parameters:

People who are not my friends and like <Page title> and live in Moscow, Russia

Analyze your audience on Facebook:

Interests liked by people who like <Page title>

Pages liked by people who like <Page title>

You can add various parameters to such queries: location, gender, age:

Pages liked by women who are older than 25 and younger than 30 and like <Page title>

Graph Search allows searching posts by a particular person over the specified period:

Posts of <Name> from September 2017

Pictures and videos made at a particular location or on dates of your interest:

Photos taken in Moscow, Russia from May 2017

And find person’s info not shown on their page. However, this works only if they haven’t disabled it in settings:

Interests liked by <Name>

Pages liked by <Name>

As you can see, Facebook analysis with the built-in tool can generally show interesting data.

Use various parameters and create your own queries. If it’s hard for you to generate queries in English, try the dedicated tool: http://graph.tips

Facebook Audience Insights

A free tool to analyze audience on Facebook will tell you about demography, interests and behavior of your potential clients.

To use Fb Audience Insights go to the section following the link: https://www.facebook.com/ads/audience_insights (Or, in AdsManager, go to Audiences — Audience Statistics).

Audience Insights – useful Facebook tool for analyze audience

To start analyzing, click Create Audience and select one of the three options:

All Facebook users
Users related to your page
Custom audience

In the left column, specify the audience to analyze: your page’s subscribers (Users connected to PAGE) or audience of your interest. The settings are the same as on the ads dashboard for targeting setup: gender, age, location, interests, user behavior, related pages.

The data are divided in 4 groups (or 6 for US audience analysis on Facebook, including Family and Buy):

Demographic data: age, gender, family status, education level, job title.

Page’s Likes: categories popular among the target audience and Facebook pages those people are subscribed to.

Pages with the biggest amount of likes, analysis with Facebook audience insights

Location: cities, countries and languages of the analyzed audience.

Actions: actions frequency (how often the audience subscribes to pages, comments on, likes or shares posts) and devices used to access Facebook.

Easy way to analyze audience devices on Facebook

After the analysis of audience on Facebook is done, you can save the created audience and then target ads to it.


Lookalike audience on Fb

Facebook will find potential clients for you. So it needs to know who your customers (or readers) are.

For that purpose, install the Facebook pixel on your site or select the page (you must be its admin) having subscribers you want your new audience to look like.


  1. Go to Audience section in Fb Ads Manager (link: https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager/audiences/);
  2. Click Create audience — Lookalike audience;
  3. Select audience source (it must include at least 100 persons).

The simplest way to create and find lookalike audience on Facebook

Set the required parameters. To ensure maximum quality of generated audience, select an adequate source: e.g. people who are active on your page or placed an order on your site. This data is assumed based of Facebook’s analysis internal algorithms and statistics.

Using the slider, adjust the degree of lookalikeness of the found people to the audience from the source: 1 means maximum lookalikeness but smaller audience, 10 — vice versa.

Lookalike audience on Facebook is created for several hours (up to 24) and then automatically updated once in 3 to 7 days.


Bonus method:

A way to find out audience preferences in content

If you want to know what content subscribers like the most (on Fb, Instagram, YouTube and others), the Popsters tool will help you.

  • First you need to log in to your Facebook account;
  • Next, enter the URL of your profile or any other one;
  • Choose a period for analyzing;
  • And click Analyze.

The easiest way to grope for the audience preferences in content

Now you can discover which posts were the most popular, tne most commented, had the highest ER. You can analyze your profile (or group) useing more than 20 metrics, and compare any accounts on Facebook for detailed analysis.



  1. Facebook has smart Graph Search. It only works in the English version. It can find posts, pictures, videos, subscriptions and interests of your audience.
  2. To analyze any audience in detail, use Facebook Audience Insights. The tool will show demography, behavior and interests.
  3. Set Lookalike audience for Facebook to automatically select people who look like your clients.
  4. One of the easiest ways to grope for the audience preferences in content is using Popsters content analytics tool.


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